If you’re going to article marketing, you will probably do some research. And in this research, you’ll find one very important bit of information. You’ll notice that most articles will be low caliber, not very good at all. In fact, article directories have some of the best examples of this. Truth is, you would be doing yourself a favor by staying away from them. Many of these articles will provide examples of how not to write an article. That is how bad they really are. In this article, we will show you how to power up your own articles with simple strategies.

Throw In Some Humor

What your audience will tolerate and accept, this is what your content should be about. Your audience will probably appreciate throwing a little humor into the topics that you choose. Humor is a great way to break into any audience with any topic. Just make sure it is done in an appropriate manner. The primary mistake most people make is not taking the subject seriously enough when they are writing about it. Of course, you always want to stay away from inappropriate humor unless your niche supports that. So when you write your next article for your website, put in a little humor. If it doesn’t work, be patient, try it again, and see what happens.

Tell an Interesting Story

As far as Internet marketers go, some of them are pretty to the power of storytelling, and others are not at all. In fact, I would say that a high percentage are not aware of what can be done with good stories. Storytelling is most appropriate when you are pre-selling something that you are marketing. Also remember that you should never focus on one particular marketing strategy over another. To make the strategy work properly, you need to tell a story, and make it seem less like sales copy when you write it. There are many reasons why stories are effective, but just write a story and weave the marketing or preselling into it.

It is important that, once you are published on your website, to get the search engines to find and index the content you have just published. This is a critical point because you want the engines to know that the origin of the content is your site and nowhere else. Once your article is upon your blog, go to Digg and bookmark the page for quick indexing. Another thing to do is ping your new article to get noticed. If you do post on WordPress, then your blog automatically pings each post that you make so you do not have to manually do it.

Always Use Active Tense

When you copywriting, you need to always write in the active, not the passive tense. The way that this is accomplished is by using verbs. Let’s discuss this for a moment. You might want to try a hosting provider after first reading this e-book which might help you make the right choice. The words prefer, might, and may all represent a passive tone. Well, a copywriter will “tell” people: Give this a hard look, and once you do you’ll love these three hosting providers – simply choose one. Instead of looking like a jerk, you will look like someone helping by commanding people in such a manner.

In regard to syndication, not too many IM have been made on the topic, simply because it is so easy to do. Actually, the marketing part of articles is the easiest step; it is the writing of good articles that proves challenging for most people. Doing both is easy, as long as you have the initiative to do so. Good writing does not come from your genetics! All you need is a little practice and you be just fine.